Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
"Your bad attitude is evident, because you don't bring a meeting bag to the meetings anymore!"
by stuckinarut2 inyes friends.....this is the comment said to me by an elder!.
"your bad attitude is evident because you don't bring your meeting bag anymore!".
i calmly replied: "but everything i need is on the tablet now......".
Village Idiot
I was once criticized by the Circuit Overseer for having a case that was too big out in field service. I used to have a wide variety of literature that I could place with different kinds of householders. -
"Your bad attitude is evident, because you don't bring a meeting bag to the meetings anymore!"
by stuckinarut2 inyes friends.....this is the comment said to me by an elder!.
"your bad attitude is evident because you don't bring your meeting bag anymore!".
i calmly replied: "but everything i need is on the tablet now......".
A coordinated effort to bring up Watchtower pedophelia to the public's attention.
by Village Idiot ina statement that phizzy made on jonathan drake's thread on flyers gave me the following ideas.. we should make a flyer on the issue of the watchtower pedophilia issue written with the object of alerting the public about the jw door to door activity.
phizzy suggested the title, "the paedophile at your door".. on that flyer should be the contact information of our most informed member on the subject who's willing to talk to the media.
barbara anderson perhaps?.
Village Idiot
Lisa Rose,
"There really is very little danger to the public, because the vast majority of people are completely uninterested in Jehovah's Witness are are hardly going to allow one to allow one to gain access to their children."
The public in general may not be interested in the Jehovah's Witnesses but show them the video clip below and they will develop an interest. Start at the 22:20 minute mark:
Who REALLY believed in the idea of living forever on earth??
by stuckinarut2 inseriously.....even when you were 100% in "the truth", did you really believe in living forever?
Village Idiot
I believed in it, as a teenager, though I had a detached attitude towards it. The elder who had studied with me said that I should picture myself in the "New Order". That would supposedly keep one faithful. It didn't work for me. -
1975 failed prediction?
by Garrett inheyo,.
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
Village Idiot
cha ching, "I mean we really, really, really wanted Armageddon to 'hold off' so that we could see the next one!"
Did they wish for the brutal death of all the actors who entertained them?
A coordinated effort to bring up Watchtower pedophelia to the public's attention.
by Village Idiot ina statement that phizzy made on jonathan drake's thread on flyers gave me the following ideas.. we should make a flyer on the issue of the watchtower pedophilia issue written with the object of alerting the public about the jw door to door activity.
phizzy suggested the title, "the paedophile at your door".. on that flyer should be the contact information of our most informed member on the subject who's willing to talk to the media.
barbara anderson perhaps?.
Village Idiot
"If someone else has a higher rate then why not warn about them - aren't they a bigger risk?"
Would this someone else be going door to door seeking converts?
"Note: It's illegal to put flyers in mailboxes in Canada."
In the United States as well but it's all right to leave them on doors.
A coordinated effort to bring up Watchtower pedophelia to the public's attention.
by Village Idiot ina statement that phizzy made on jonathan drake's thread on flyers gave me the following ideas.. we should make a flyer on the issue of the watchtower pedophilia issue written with the object of alerting the public about the jw door to door activity.
phizzy suggested the title, "the paedophile at your door".. on that flyer should be the contact information of our most informed member on the subject who's willing to talk to the media.
barbara anderson perhaps?.
Village Idiot
steve2 and Simon,
Irrespective of whether a particular religion may have the same rate of pedophilia as others the danger is high enough to forewarn others. I know from experience that public service employees and private businesses that deal with children require a background check which the Watchtower does not. I have no problem with legislation. The two could be done together.
In my opinion the flyer should state that the rank and file Witness are not made aware of these issues and that the problem lies on the elders and their hierarchy.
As for the flyers trying to attach other issues I completely agree that other issues should definitely not be mentioned even in brief. They are irrelevant and not of any interest by the public.
Down below is an interview by anchor woman Connie Chung of CNN. I consider it an example of how to handle these sensitive issues.
A coordinated effort to bring up Watchtower pedophelia to the public's attention.
by Village Idiot ina statement that phizzy made on jonathan drake's thread on flyers gave me the following ideas.. we should make a flyer on the issue of the watchtower pedophilia issue written with the object of alerting the public about the jw door to door activity.
phizzy suggested the title, "the paedophile at your door".. on that flyer should be the contact information of our most informed member on the subject who's willing to talk to the media.
barbara anderson perhaps?.
Village Idiot
defender of truth,
The first flyer looks good but it should be re-written to include citations to the Candace Conti case especially the elder's letter that was written in recommendation of the molester with praise for his manner of handling children. If there's a photo image of that letter it definitely should be included in the flyer even if it takes up an extra page.
The phrase child molester should be included in the oversize paragraph headings instead of "abuser". People tend to only glance at unsolicited literature and may toss it unless the large print spells out the most alarming word or phrase possible.
What to cook for the CO?
by fulano inthe funniest i have seen since ages.....
Village Idiot
A baby goat cooked in its mother's milk. -
A coordinated effort to bring up Watchtower pedophelia to the public's attention.
by Village Idiot ina statement that phizzy made on jonathan drake's thread on flyers gave me the following ideas.. we should make a flyer on the issue of the watchtower pedophilia issue written with the object of alerting the public about the jw door to door activity.
phizzy suggested the title, "the paedophile at your door".. on that flyer should be the contact information of our most informed member on the subject who's willing to talk to the media.
barbara anderson perhaps?.
Village Idiot
"I think a better use of time and resources would be to go to work on getting legislators to require background checks on anyone..."
I haven't researched it but I suspect that schools and other institutions do screen for any type of criminal record.
As for time and resources, delivering a thousand flyers will take only one day and speaking to the media less than an hour. That's likely to have a disproportionate effect on the public and will reap us other benefits such as increasing hostility against the Witnesses when they're going door to door.